Monday, February 11, 2008

Split at the Root Blog

This would be a complicated life to live. Torn between religion and what was deemed correct. Between sexual orientation and your family’s fear of exposure. Having so many different sides coming in on you cannot be easy. To sort all of it out and to decide to let others see those sides had to be stressful and a sometimes dreaded task. You could really see how she struggled with being Jewish but pretending to be a gentile or even struggling with being a once-married, mother of 3 and being a lesbian. I could see where she got the phrase, “Split at the root”. I think that we could see this in ourselves at some point in our lives but not nearly as much as she did or anyone else in shoes for that matter.

It was a very well written piece and it made sense of an era that many of use don’t understand because we did not live in it.

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