Monday, January 28, 2008

"What's your name, girl?"

This reading was very enjoyable for me. I found that the introduction helped me get a better understanding of what I was about to read. It also gave me insight to the author’s writing style and how she found it easier to write in a hotel room than at home. It really does show that everyone does have his or her own style.

As for the sample from the story, it was an interesting portal into the past. When you don’t grow up in times such as these, it makes it much easier to put yourself into the place and situation of the author when it’s well written. The details were fabulous and really helped you. I never understood all of that stuff about plates, glasses, and silverware either. The image she had of her mistress, without organs, was funny, as was her thoughts on why she drank from unmarked bottles.

The reading was very good and I liked it. It really puts into a perspective on life during the slavery years.

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